Cone Penetration Test, which includes an electronic measurement system and records the tip resistance, environmental friction and pore water pressures at the moment of thrust, is one of the most efficient geotechnical research methods, based on the principle of monitoring the resistance at different levels encountered during hydraulic pushing of a steel cone into the ground.
CPT adds power and flexibility to your projects until you reach the units where the cone can be pushed hydraulically.
The obtained data are used to determine the engineering parameters of the soil. Realization of bearing capacity, settlement, seismic soil soil liquefaction and related analyzes through parameters such as strength, stiffness, characterization of vertical unit transition boundaries thanks to providing high resolution data, understanding the behavior of weak soils under loading thanks to instantaneous monitoring of the pore water pressure damping of the layers, soil It is at the service of geotechnical engineers with its numerous advantages such as using it for quality control to characterize the improved areas after remediation manufacturing, and obtaining a shear wave velocity profile during downhole advancement with the seismic option.
For all your questions about the cone penetration test, with our long years of CPT test experience, our equipment ready for mobilization and our excitement to bring you healthy field data;